Is there any particular Shampoo I Should use after Hair Transplant?
If you are in search of an effective treatment for genetic baldness, you have to visit a hair loss clinic to take proper help from a hair doctor in Indore. Your doctor is going to tell you about an effective treatment for genetic hair loss. This treatment is popular as hair transplant surgery.
hair transplant surgery is performed by trained and qualified surgeons by removing and transplanting healthy hairs from one area to the bald region of the scalp. Usually, the donor area is the back and both sides of the head since these regions grow baldness-resistant hairs.
Generally, the patients have proper results after the surgery if the surgeon is efficient and skilled and you have the surgery in a reliable hair loss clinic.
Moreover, proper aftercare is also a vital element of proper healing and hair growth after the surgery.
Washing the hair is an important matter and many patients ask about a specific shampoo to wash their hair.
Actually, there is not special shampoo to wash your hair after the surgery.
Your surgeon would be the best person to tell you about the shampoo when you come back to your home.
A mild medicated shampoo will work well when your surgeon allows to wash the scalp.
According to experts, you can use a shampoo that has common ingredients like copper, zinc, keratin amino acids, and ketoconazole, etc.
How to wash your scalp?
Washing your scalp is necessary to make your scalp properly clean because a dirty scalp will catch infection easily.
You can use a shampoo prescribed by your hair specialist in Indore to apply to the scalp.
Make your hair wet and apply the shampoo gently. Let it stay on the scalp for some minutes and wash with the help of clean water. Use water gently so that, your transplanted hairs are not affected.
After you have washed your hair properly, dry them with the use of a soft and clean towel. Use your hands gently to dry the hair and do not rub against the scalp harshly.
Finally, if you are interested to know more about hair transplant surgery and related topics, you have to visit the Marmm Klinik that is known as a trusted place for the complete treatment of genetic baldness. This hair clinic in Indore provides optimum facilities in the field of surgical restoration and has proper command on every aspect related to hair loss and hair transplant surgery.
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