How should you decide whether you should go for a hair transplant or not?


hair loss treatment in Indore

If you are looking for valid hair treatment in Indore, you have to determine the nature of baldness. If the underlying reasons for hair loss or baldness are genetic, it is called male pattern baldness and this disease is controllable with the help of hair transplant surgery.

We have made this blog for you to determine a proper type of hair treatment.

Read and follow the information!

Effects of medicines or hair products on genetic hair loss

There are a lot of medicines and hair loss products available in the market. But you have to understand that most of these products are helpful in rejuvenating hair follicles that are present on the scalp.

If hair follicles are dead due to the effects of genetic baldness, medicines or hair products will not be able to bring the hair back to the scalp.

Hair transplant surgery for male pattern baldness

Hair transplant surgery is completely effective for genetic baldness. In this treatment, the surgeon is supposed to pull out healthy hair follicles from the back and sides and transplant to the bald scalp.

According to the hair loss experts, these transplanted hairs are baldness-resistant. Therefore, they grow in the new areas with the same strength and genetic nature.

Your candidacy for the treatment

If you are facing severe hair loss, you have to visit a hair loss clinic to determine whether you are a good candidate for hair transplant surgery or not.

First of all, you have to consider that hair transplant surgery is performed for only male pattern baldness.

If your hairline is receding gradually and your temple area is also balding with severe hair thinning, it is sure you are experiencing severe genetic hair loss.

In this condition, you are a perfect candidate for surgical treatment of hair loss.

If you are a healthy person and are not facing any chronic disease, you can go for hair transplant surgery.

The quality of donor’s hairs is also vital for the success of hair transplant surgery. If the donor’s hairs are thick and dense, you can go for hair transplant surgery without any doubt.

The need for a high-quality surgeon

If you have decided to have hair transplant surgery, your task is not finished since you require the services of a highly efficient hair transplant surgeon. A qualified and experienced surgeon will provide optimum hair loss treatment in Indore. Moreover, only a well-trained surgeon can provide the optimum environment for treatment in the form of proper facilities and trained staff. You can come to the Marmm Klinik if you need high-grade hair loss treatment.


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