When Can I take Shower After My Hair Transplant?

Generally, patients feel worried because of hair loss but it is not a troublesome issue if they do not shed more than 50 to 100 hairs daily. However, if you shed several hairs per day and your hairline is receding gradually, you have to be cautious since it is possible you are facing genetic hair loss.

Genetic hair loss is a complex scalp disease that occurs due to your genes and hormones. It removes the hair follicles from the scalp.

Fortunately, hairs on the back and sides are not affected by male pattern baldness. Therefore, a wise hair loss expert uses these hairs in hair transplant surgery.

With the use of hair transplant surgery, hairs can be removed from the donor area and implanted to the bald scalp.

However, the hair loss expert in Indore has to be extremely skilled to perform the surgery.

Moreover, the recovery period is also important for success after the surgery.

After the surgery, you get some important instructions and all these instructions should be followed without even a single mistake.

In this blog, we are going to talk about washing the hair after the surgery.

It is an important matter since keeping the scalp and hair clean is necessary for the patients but putting extra pressure on newly transplanted hairs is not allowed.

Generally, you do not wash your hair just after the surgery. get your first wash when your surgeon allows you to do so.

Your first wash after the surgery:

Sometimes, a hair clinic in Indore provides a shampoo for washing the hair. If it does not happen, you can use any mild shampoo. While you apply water and shampoo to the hairs, you have to extremely gentle.

Use a small cup for pouring the water on the scalp so that, it does not fall on the scalp forcefully.

After you have washed your hairs properly with water, dry them with the help of a soft towel but do not apply force at this time as well.

These safety precautions are valid for almost 10 days.

Washing the hair after ten days:

You can apply oil or serum to moisturize your scalp during this period. Applying oil on the scalp gently will remove scabs and will keep your scalp moisturized as well.

The rule to treat the hair follicles gently will remain the same during this period as well.

After 15 days, you can use a shampoo of your choice to wash your hair.

Final wordsAfter the surgery, it is best if you follow the instructions of your hair loss treatment in Indore if you want certain success. Washing the hairs follows the same golden rule also. Do not try to remove scabs forcefully and do not scrub or scratch your treated scalp. you will see that after some days, your hairs will set in the new area properly and they will grow with proper strength.


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